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Ekho Health
How to Know if You Have a Good Diet!
The big question you probably have is, how do I know if I have a good diet? Let's first define the word diet: di·et /ˈdīət/ The kinds of...

Ekho Health
Contrast Therapy for New Life!
Contrast therapy is exposing your body to different temperatures in one session for example a sauna then into a cold shower, or ice bath

Ekho Health
Understanding the Purpose of Holistic Health
What do you do when you get sick or are in pain? You probably visit the doctor as most people do. This is not a bad thing, of course.

Ekho Health
What is a Chek Practitioner?
CHEK Practitioners are experts in Holistic Health like corrective exercise, athletic training for athletes, nutrition, and lifestyle habits.

Ekho Health
Are Cold Showers Actually Good For You?
Are Cold Showers Actually Good For You? Cold showers or any other cold therapy is beneficial to multiple body systems.

Ekho Health
Gut Health Reset for Digestion
Your gut health plays a big role in your quality of life and we know this first hand having our own set of digestion issues. We thought...

Ekho Health
Banana Almond Butter Ice Cream Recipe
Try this delicious banana almond butter ice cream recipe. it's vegan and dairy free and super tasty!

Ekho Health
Fascia and Movement: What You Need to Know!
Dive into the world of fascia and discover how movement and recovery play a vital role in the mitigation of pain through-out your body.

Ekho Health
Increase Your Mobility With These 5 Drills!
Increase your mobility with these 5 drills. Yoga blocks are great when it comes to controlled articular rotation for afferent feedback.

Ekho Health
Why You Should Take Your Movement Outdoors
We all have a craving for sunshine. It makes us happy, it's scientifically proven! Living in a place that has seasons might be a little...

Ekho Health
Avocado Coconut Morning Smoothie
We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I wholeheartedly agree! The first thing you eat in the morning...

Ekho Health
How to Stick to a Fitness Plan in 2020
Make 2020 a great year for yourself! In order to do that, you have to have a plan, you have to be strategic and you need to know how...

Ekho Health
Anti-Inflammatory Spices for Everyday Use
What if we told you that you can help aid your body in fighting inflammation and pain with spices? When it comes to tired achy muscles,...

Ekho Health
Why You Should Foam Roll
Using a foam roller for the first time or even with experience, you could still be doing it all wrong! IT Bands seem to be a major...
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